Steam Broadcast for Will You Snail?

RoboStreamer is currently hosting the Steam Store Broadcast for Will You Snail?! The game is now streaming a pre-recorded video on the Steam Store! Check out their Steam Store page or watch the Steam Broadcast further down on this page.

Will You Snail? is developed by and published by Jonas Tyroller.

A screenshot of Will You Snail?A screenshot of Will You Snail?A screenshot of Will You Snail?A screenshot of Will You Snail?A screenshot of Will You Snail?A screenshot of Will You Snail?A screenshot of Will You Snail?A screenshot of Will You Snail?A screenshot of Will You Snail?

Watch the live Steam Broadcast from RoboStreamer

How RoboStreamer worked for this Steam Broadcast

/ Jonas Tyroller used RoboStreamer to host a Steam Broadcast for Will You Snail? on their Steam Store Page. The broadcast has been streamed from a pre-recorded video file which has been uploaded to RoboStreamer and has been streamed in loop. With RoboStreamer you can upload videos without any size limit and can keep streaming them without any time limit as well. Running OBS on your own machine is not necessary anymore - you can save time and money because you don't have to worry about your Broadcast running correctly on your own computer, and you save the high energy cost.

Create a Steam Broadcast for your own game

It's easy: Simply create a free RoboStreamer account and upload your video file. You can then create a Steam Broadcast by adding your upload key. RoboStreamer is designed to make streaming your Steam Broadcast as simple as possible. It's even more beneficial for publishers as they can manage the Steam Broadcasts of multiple Steam Games from one place.

Compairing RoboStreamer to the free OBS Studio

RoboStreamer is competitive against OBS in several ways:

  1. Ease of use: RoboStreamer is designed to be user-friendly and easy to set up. Users can upload their pre-recorded videos and have them streamed on a loop on their Steam page without needing to manually set up streaming using OBS Studio or other tools.
  2. Automation: RoboStreamer allows for automation of the streaming process, which saves game developers and publishers time and effort.
  3. Multi-streaming: RoboStreamer can set up simultaneous broadcasts to as many pages as you want, which is useful for managing multiple Steam pages.
  4. Cloud-based: RoboStreamer is a cloud-based application, which means users don't need to leave their computer running for hours, clogging up their internet connection.
  5. Pricing: RoboStreamer has a simple pricing schema, where users pay $1 for 24 hours of non-stop broadcasting. OBS Studio is free but requires more work on your side and causes energy cost of at least $1 for 24 hours of running your computer - depending on your local energy price.
  6. Support: OBS Studio offers documentation and forums where you can look for solution in case of any problem. With RoboStreamer, you get the direct support of its creator through mail, Discord or Twitter.